Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jamie's Portrait Party

I think everyone had a good time at Jamie's portrait party! Every family had adorable children, and Jamie's children were heartbreakers!

Jake and Maggie

I have to apologize to Jake and Maggie.. I don't know what was wrong with the blog that it was not publishing your photos.. So here they are.. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed your photographing your special day..

Alice - Portrait Party

So I packed up the van, and Nicole and I headed up to Troy, Pa for a portrait party. I have known Alice and Bruce now for a few years. They are great people and I loved not only taking their photos but spending time with them as well.

Lily and Aidan

These two were great for their photos.. Lily just posed and smiled, and Aidan is always smiling. It was fun to take some time and photograph these two.

Saturday, November 7, 2009